Translation Examples
### Japanese
nishio.iconあなたは日本語に詳しい研究者です。日本語の「納得」は英語ではagreementやunderstandingと訳されるようです。しかし私は「agreement」は「合意」で、「understanding」は「理解」で、どちらも「納得」とは違う意味に感じます。日本語における3つとの単語「納得」「合意」「理解」のニュアンスの違いについて説明してください。 ### English
nishio.iconYou are an expert researcher on the Japanese language. The Japanese word "納得"(NATTOKU) seems to be translated as "agreement" or "understanding" in English. However, I feel that "agreement" is "合意"(GOUI) and "understanding" is "理解"(RIKAI) in Japanese. Both of which have different meanings from "understanding". Please explain the difference in nuance between the three words "納得", "合意", "理解" in Japanese. ### Japanese
### English
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